Keeping Modern Janky – Midrange Amulet Dinos

Can the addition of Regisaur Alpha to our Amulet Dinos deck power out a turn 3, hasty Ghalta, Primal Hunger? Let's find out!

Dragons in Modern – Gideon Tribal with Sarkhan the Masterless

What's better than Gideon Tribal in Modern? Gideon Tribal with Sarkhan the Masterless to turn them all into 4/4 Dragons! Can this janky strategy win us some games, or will our Urza's Saga be the all-star? Let's find out!

Keeping Modern Janky – Amulet Dinos

Amulet of Vigor is the cornerstone of one of the best decks in Modern. Can we use a similar shell as Amulet Titan to power out Dinosaurs instead of Giants and win some games in Modern? Let's find out!

Gruul Dragons in Modern featuring Fable and Ragavan

Fable of the Mirror-Breaker and Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer are some of the best cards in Magic. Will they improve our Gruul Dragons deck in Modern? Let's find out!

Budget Gruul Dragons in Modern – Friendly League 2

Playing Gruul Dragons in Modern is already pretty cost-friendly. But will lowering the price of the deck to under $100 make it too weak to compete? Will our new budget-friendly sideboard cards come through in the right spots? Let's find out!

Budget Gruul Dragons in Modern

Playing Gruul Dragons in Modern is already pretty cost-friendly. But will lowering the price of the deck to under $100 make it too weak to compete? Will our new budget-friendly sideboard cards come through in the right spots? Let's find out!

Jund Lukka Surprise with Karn, the Great Creator – Friendly League

Going all-in on our Emrakul plan has its drawbacks. Will making room for Black and early interaction keep us alive long enough to find our combo pieces? Will Karn, the Great Creator's ability to tutor powerful creatures and answers from our sideboard make up for the loss of Fable of the Mirror-Breaker?

Jund Souls of the Lost in Modern

Enjoy grindy decks with knockout potential as early as turn 3? Long for the days when Jund was a tier 1 deck in Modern? Want to beat face with a 14/15 hasty trampler? Then this is the deck for you!

Jund Lukka Surprise with Karn, the Great Creator

Going all-in on our Emrakul plan has its drawbacks. Will making room for Black and early interaction keep us alive long enough to find our combo pieces? Will Karn, the Great Creator's ability to tutor powerful creatures and answers from our sideboard make up for the loss of Fable of the Mirror-Breaker?

Sarkhan the Masterless with Lukka Surprise

Want to combine the power of two janky combo decks into one, super janky deck? Don't want to go all-in on cheating an Emrakul, the Aeons Torn into play to win the game? Want to have fun playing Planeswalkers and turning them in to dragons? Then this is the deck for you!